Umbriametraggi 2019
La sezione Umbriametraggi, nata nel 2007 come evento sperimentale, dopo 13 anni (e dopo più di 120 cortometraggi) è diventata una presenza consueta e attesa nella programmazione dell’Umbria Film Festival. La sezione, in particolare, propone una selezione di cortometraggi di film maker umbri, scelti attraverso uno specifico concorso. Una giuria ha selezionato quest’anno, tra tutti quelli inviati, undici corti che avranno la possibilità di essere premiati. Le storie, gli stili, le prospettive e i generi diversi che animano gli Umbriametraggi offrono al pubblico un ulteriore punto di vista sulle vie e sulle sperimentazioni del cinema indipendente. Esperti, appassionati e curiosi possono così trovare nel borgo umbro, tra il teatro e la piazza, tra i vicoli e gli scorci panoramici, un luogo d’elezione per nuovi spunti, incontri, scambi e contaminazioni.
Domenica 14 Luglio – Chiesa di San Francesco – ore 16.00
- IL RE BAMBINO/Lorenzo Lombardi e Nicola Santi Amantini (2019), 16’ A king and his subjects live in a realm without time and place: they are all 11 years old! One day the subjects rebel against the tyrannies of the king, then condemned to re-education and respect.
- MA VIE/Virginia Russo (2018), 13’ During a Christmas dinner an unexpected guest turns over the “quiet” life of a bourgeois family that has particular habits. The result will be a love concept that overcomes male and female.
- IL SACCO/Andrea Baldini (2019), 5’ Cesare Caligari is back to his apartment and finds a man in a bag, so he takes a cleaver and kills him. Meanwhile a man is about to enter the apartment and Cesare hides in the bag.
- ERASERHEAD – RIMOZIONE SICURA/Edoardo Genzolini (2019), 12’11’’ A short with no “story”, but only Instagram stories: Instagram substitutes reality, reducing its space, and driving its time with an algorithm.
- PALLA PRIGIONIERA/Hermes Mangialardo (2019), 3’ In a playground a child tries to play with the other children trying in every way to catch the colored ball, symbol of integration with the community, but the ball gets farther and farther away.
- THEO. APOLOGIA DI UN COLLETTO BIANCO/Giulio d’Andrea e Iolanda Moldoveanu (2019), 10’ Theo is the collision of two worlds: that of an artist, where dreams can become bigger than reality, and its opposite, the office life that most of us live.
- BUONA FORTUNA/Alberto Brizioli (2018), 11’52’’ A university student approaches a stranger who is scratching some “Scratch cards”, to ask him for an interview on gambling. Their relationship turns out to be ambiguous, and the truth begins to fade.
- AVETE VISTO ANCHE VOI?/Fabio Galeotti (2018), 9’15’’ Inspired by La cena in Emmaus by Caravaggio, this work aims to slow down the look: the movements gradually change, leading to a thought of contact with the pictorial image.
- TANTE CARE COSE/David Fratini (2018), 15’ An elderly woman leaves her home to spy on her daughter, a tramp living on the street. The sad old lady takes refuge in the warmth and joy of her memories of youth.
- BUONAVISIONE/Edoardo Genzolini (2017), 8’10’’ This short homages “Fuori Orario”, a famous Italian TV program airing on Rai 3 through VHS recordings made from 2003 to 2017, edited in a way that reflects the visual unconscious of the author.
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